Subscriptions are an extension to Objects and express the relationship between a Recipient (the subscriber) and an Object.
You can use subscriptions for:
- Creating notifications for a large number of recipients (e.g. all users of your product)
- Alerting use cases, where users can opt into and out of an alert
- Publish/subscribe models where you want to fan out to a set of users subscribed to a topic
Any Object within Knock can be subscribed to by one or more recipients, and the entire set of subscribers can be notified by triggering a workflow for the object, without you needing to keep the relationship data within your system of who is subscribed to what.
How subscriptions work
- Identify an object in a collection that represents the topic, or entity you wish to subscribe recipients to
- Subscribe one or more recipients to the object by creating a subscription between the recipient and the object
- Trigger a workflow for the object
On step #3, Knock will handle the fan out of the workflow trigger to all recipients that are subscribers, automatically enqueuing a workflow run for the recipient on your behalf.
Integrating subscriptions
Note: for all of the examples below you will need to have an object identified within Knock. In our examples below, we create an object under a project_alerts
collection with an id project-1
Subscribing recipients to an object
Subscribing a recipient to an object creates an ObjectSubscription
entity describing the relationship between the Recipient
and the Object
You can subscribe up to 100 recipients to an object at a time by passing one or more RecipientIdentifiers
. There is no limit to the number of recipients you can subscribe to an object.
1await knock.objects.addSubscriptions("project_alerts", "project-1", {
2 recipients: ["esattler", "dnedry"],
3 properties: {
4 // Optionally set other properties on the subscription for each recipient
5 },
Similar to workflow triggers, you can inline identify recipients while subscribing them to an object.
1await knock.objects.addSubscriptions("project_alerts", "project-1", {
2 recipients: [
3 {
4 id: "esattler",
5 name: "Ellie Sattler",
6 email: "",
7 },
8 {
9 id: "dnedry",
10 name: "Dennis Nedry",
11 email: "",
12 },
13 ],
14 properties: {
15 // Optionally set other properties on the subscription for each recipient
16 },
Unsubscribing recipients from an object
To remove one or more recipients (up to 100) from an object, you can pass a list of recipient identifiers.
1await knock.objects.deleteSubscriptions("project_alerts", "project-1", {
2 recipients: ["esattler", "dnedry"],
Triggering a workflow for all subscribers of an object
By default when you trigger a workflow for an object that has subscriptions attached Knock will fan out to all subscribers and enqueue a new workflow run for that recipient, with the information passed into the workflow trigger.
1await knock.workflows.trigger("alert-workflow", {
2 recipients: [{ collection: "project_alerts", id: "project-1" }],
3 data: {
4 // Data to be passed to all workflow runs
5 },
Retrieving subscriptions for an object
You can retrieve a paginated list of subscriptions for an object, which will return the recipient
subscribed as well.
1const { entries, page_info: pageInfo } = await knock.objects.listSubscriptions(
2 "project_alerts",
3 "project-1",
4 { after: null },
Retrieving subscriptions for a user
You can retrieve a paginated list of active subscriptions for a user, which will return the object
that the user is subscribed to as well.
1const { entries, page_info: pageInfo } = await knock.users.getSubscriptions(
2 "user-1",
3 { after: null },
Accessing subscription properties in a workflow run
When triggering a workflow for a recipient from a subscription, the properties
defined on the subscription are made available for use within the workflow run scope. You can access the properties under the recipient.subscription
As an example, if you have a property role
under your subscription properties, you can access it as recipient.subscription.role
in the workflow run scope.
Note: If you're looking to reference the parent object that the recipient is subscribed to, you can side-load the parent object using the object
filter in liquid.
Modeling nested subscription hierarchies
It's possible to model nested subscription hierarchies by associating child objects as subscribers of a parent object. This allows you to create structures like "organizations" having many "teams" which have many "team members" (users).
1await knock.objects.addSubscriptions("organizations", "org-1", {
2 recipients: [
3 { collection: "teams", id: "team-1", name: "Org 1, Team 1" },
4 { collection: "teams", id: "team-2", name: "Org 1, Team 2" },
5 ],
Once you've established a nested hierarchy like the above, it's also possible to notify all child subscribers from a parent object. In the example above, that means we could notify all team members of an organization by setting the recipient of the trigger to be the organization.
parent -> child -> user
but no deeper. If you need to support a deeper nesting, please get in touch.Deduplication by default
Knock always deduplicates recipients when executing a notification fan out, including for workflow triggers with subscriptions. Knock will ensure your notification workflow is executed only once for each unique recipient in the following cases:
- When the recipient appears both in the initial trigger and as a subscriber to one of your objects.
- When the recipient appears multiple times within a nested subscription hierarchy.